just in - no internet leads to productive lifestyle
well, as some may have learned over the past three weeks, amanda's internet was "down" and not in that good way when you're "down with hanging with friends" but more like "something was up". --with english changing as much as it seems to do, such as the meaning of simple words like down and up, how is one expected to teach it, or even have the brain power to learn it when your exposure to it, is only 6 hours a week? ... the mind baffles.
without internet for a total of 18 days, i was unable to write emails, blog, chat online, check the news and weather online, listen to the radio online or just plain and simple - surf.... BUT, it was probably the most peace i've had in a long time, and i was constantly on-time. so what did i do with my time? I STARTED READING AGAIN!! wow, books are gooood, when they're good (and unfortunately bad when they're bad, but luckily that wasn't the case here). I read some great stuff.

WOW! Brilliantly brilliant. Faith and animals. Nature. Botany. Comedy and pain. I was hooked as soon as he mentioned he swam. I know there's a big conflict of opinions about the finale, but i was blown away. Blown out of the Pacific!
Let me know what you think, and please please please send me a booklist, or at least a TITLE you think i need to read. Currently reading The Story of Mankind, and am in Greece and the Roman Empire at the moment, and am getting excited about going to Greece...
-- to be continued --