went to kenting last weekend. brilliant. got there friday morning and basked in the sun all day, cristen got a bit burnt but she's golden now. i got quite black. it rained saturday but we hired a scooter and explored the nearby mountains. beaut. did some shopping, tho tried not to spend too much money, ate really budget but ultra delish. let off fireworks with some "tai-ke" saturday night. what a rush, respect to all those dare-devils who do it around foreigners all the time. drank japanese beer, the jet-ski-boys were strict about their pocari-sweat (sports drink, tho doesn't sound so apetising) and they couldn't believe how we could drink that-unhealthy-stuff, meanwhile we were lighting firework after firework with their cigarettes. came back sunday afternoon after more beach and swimming. still with sand between my toes.

Kenting Street

a matching family

the south coast



thinking the weather needed to improve

pretending we understood what they were talking about
OUR fireworks!!!!
i love YOUR pix...i miss you're so beautiful...tried sending you more pix again but computer is still moody. big kisses to taipei...from erub...x mmamacat
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