Indigenous Literacy Project

To be honest, I only went to the show to see Dan Sultan. Shallow right?
Well, I don't care. The beach always (or often) starts off shallow and get's deeper so why can't I. (?)
I was wholly impressed with the project; a group of book sellers and organisations trying to improve indigenous education through literacy.

Great music, great stories written by kids in remote Australia. Better stories than trained adult writers can come up with, because they're lived stories. Funny, serious, subtle, obvious.. Just real stories. Laughed and laughed, and felt humbled too.
Andy Griffiths performed, William Barton played didge, Maggie Noonan sang a ditty with a posse of young talented musos, Megan Washington - who, I have to admit I'd never heard of in my PNG bubble - flexed her lungs and knuckles for us (bought her CD), Shane Howard brought some country, and Dan and Co were in top form.. even if Dan was running a little late cause he was on the loo (he said it, not me).
I was hoping to get the chance to talk to the band after the show, but it wasn't that kind of gig i guess. I wanted to see if Dan would wear instead of his converse lace-ups. Ah well, next time.

Check out the ILP site for more info on their work.
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