Fizzle drizzle
This week all my adult classes finished at the same time, so i'm sitting here on a Sunday afternoon counting down the hours til i get a call, or make a call and find out what my hours will be, for the next two months. So on the one hand i'm relieved to have finished the session, but nervous that my hours as of tomorrow will not be able to support my extravagent lifestyle of running to catch the bus, and eating two dollar dinners of oily-chicken-rice from the cafeteria on the corner most beloved by taxi drivers. I don't and won't think about the sanitation standards of that place. Afterall they know me and usually have my food ready before i've wiped my feet on the welcome mat.
The students pictured above grew on me after about 3 or 4 weeks -it was a rough start. And when i finished i had to think about all the time i put in to their English learning, and how much their improvement (or lack of) feeds my soul. (ooh deep moment). It's my all-day-every-day.
Anyway, had a fun saturday evening at home with cards and wine - or amaretto sours - after watching Syriana, which made me feel like an incompetent fool - will have to watch it again without the distraction of lime-flavoured almond-based booz.
There's so much going on at the moment, everywhere! Cat should be heading to Thursday island soon for the big-little arrival, as should some of the family be... I wish i could too, the timing is all ascew. Chinese New Year begins next weekend, which is a huge holiday here on this island-of-"development". Cristen Lars and I are heading south to a town called Taidung, and hopefully to Green Island if we can sort out a boat. The town has famous museums, hotsprings, uhmm, what else...? oh yeah it's on the coast and far from taipei. :) So this time next week we'll be on scooters winding our way down the east coast.
As for now, am off to get a big breakfast. Happy weekend!!
meanwhile here's an update from the new year...
Taipei City Hall MRT station on New Years Eve (left) - The countdown crowd at Taipei 101 (right)